The electoral college has legitimized an agenda that seeks to tell many of my friends and colleagues that they are not welcome in America. That they are only to be tolerated in the shadows. That denigrating them is acceptable national discourse, and will be rewarded with prestige.
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Published 2016-11-10
Yesterday Let’s Encrypt reached a new milestone: the unique set of all fully-qualified domain names in the currently-unexpired certificates issued by Let’s Encrypt is now 10,022,446.
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Published 2016-09-30
I’m training to be able to fly in clouds and other poor visibility situations. Part of the requirements for this “Instrument Rating” is to fly cross-country, on instrument rules, and do instrument landings at three airports, a task I undertook last Friday
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Published 2016-09-08
I am training right now for my instrument rating add-on to my private pilot certificate. For years I said that there was little point to me having this rating, because in Arizona, when there is weather, you don’t want to fly in it.
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Published 2016-08-11
Today at the RMLL conference’s security track I’m talking about some of the challenges, decisions, and trade-offs that occurred while launching Let’s Encrypt, in a talk I’ve called Let’s Encrypt: The Road To Encrypting All The Things.
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Published 2016-07-05